Help Expanding Medical Protocol To Treat Both Body And Soul

IMFA is a charitable organization that relies upon the generous support of our donors to help treating the trauma of Israeli soldiers after more than 100 days in combat. Research has proven that every minute is crucial for increasing the chances of treating the trauma successfully and prevent PTSD. Your contribution will allow treating more soldiers and get them back on track. Our army is small, It is the people’s army, and as such, we feel that it is our privilege as well as our obligation to care for each soldier as if he or she were our own children. Our treatment plan is showing 220% + improvement in all PTSD symptoms. We cannot afford to lose the functionality of so many soldiers, we must treat them in time.

The cost of trauma release treatment plan for 1 soldier is 2,200 USD for 5 days in a full board hotel and including a full personal and group treatment plan. This is also including a continuing support for another 3 months after the 5 days plan to help the soldiers retain their gains. Your donation of any amount is appreciated.

All donations are tax-deductible.

via P.E.F Israel Endowment Funds 
1.        P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, Inc. (501c3). 
   1.        Tax ID 13-6104086 
2.        Make check payable to ''P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, Inc."
      1.        Note in the memo portion of the check with recommendation(s) for the use of the funds, namely for: 
          1.        "IMFA – Integrative Medicine for All"
          2.        With registered Charity Number: 58-0713014 
     2.        Mail Check to:
          1.        PEF Israel Endowment Funds, Inc. 
          2.        630 Third Avenue 
          3.        15th floor
          4.        New York, NY 10017 
    3.        For more clarity, you can reach out to P.E.F. to either: 
         1.        Cristina Noble, Director of Operations, 212-599-1260; [email protected]
         2.        Larisa Vainberg, Documents Administrator: [email protected] or: [email protected]

To donate via bank transfer, please contact PEF directly at [email protected] for the necessary bank details.

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