It Takes a Village – Chessed: Throw a lifeline to single parents 

It Takes a Village is a nonprofit organization that relies upon the generous support of our donors to support single parents with the struggles of raising children alone. Your contribution to ITAV strengthens our network and enables us to expand our support services.

It Takes a Village was founded to support single mothers and fathers in the Jewish community. Operating in 10 cities up and down the East Coast, including Canada, we pair vetted volunteers with single parents to provide a wide range of assistance: childcare, homework help, transportation, financial guidance, household repairs, cleaning help, meal preparation, and more. Our services are compassionate, anonymous, and respectful. 

We understand the struggles of single parents.

We don’t question. We don't judge.

We are here to help. That’s it.

But we can’t do it without YOU! It truly takes a village. 


Donations in USD are tax-deductible in the USA through ITAV Chessed Inc., 93-3549760

For more information, please contact Shavy: (917) 445-0052 or [email protected]


To donate with a credit card, press "donate now" below.

Checks can be made out to ITAV Chessed Inc.,

Checks can be mailed to 1718 east 18th street Brooklyn NY, 11229.

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