Mercaz HaTorah has been producing true and committed Bnei Torah for over 50 years With a focus on limud Torah, Yiras Shamayim and Midos tovos.

Please donate generously to participate in scholarships for those who otherwise might not have this opportunity!


USD & CAD donations are tax-deductible.

For tax-deductible GBP donations you can donate via Achisomach

Tax ID no. 36-3089681

Mercaz Hatorah is a non-profit 501c3 organization

For more information please contact us via WhatsApp or via email at [email protected]

Please make checks payable to:
American Friends of Mercaz HaTorah

Mailing Address:
American Friends of Mercaz HaTorah
801 Central Ave
Lakewood, NJ 08701- 3011

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