Help rescue ancient artifacts from the most important unexcavated site in the world!

We need your help to finish sifting the 9,000 tons of soil removed from the Temple Mount by the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement during illegal renovations. We also need funds to research the ancient artifacts rescued from the Temple Mount soil. Only after this research has been completed will the true significance of the finds be revealed.

U.S. tax deductible contributions of at least $25 may be sent (and must be made payable) to:

P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, Inc., 630 Third Ave, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10017

with a recommendation that the donation be used for The Temple Mount Sifting Project.

Please enclose your check with the form below:


P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.

630 Third Ave, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10017

Phone: 212 599-1260Fax: 212 599-5981Email: [email protected]


Date: ________________

Enclosed is my contribution for $_______________ with a recommendation to your trustees that it be used for: Temple Mount Sifting Project at Israel Archaeology Foundation 58-0594794

Name: _____________________________ (contributor)



We also accept donations directly to our bank account with IBAN number:

IL83 0109 1200 0005 3790 051

Please write your email address in the comments line of the transfer.

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